All In

April 22, 2008 at 10:17 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

For quite a while, I’ve toyed with the idea of giving blogging another go. Part of my interest in this stems from a desire to practice what I preach in terms of using social media to enhance the work of my organization, and the nonprofit community in general. I also know that if I have a platform to use to experiment, explore, and reflect on this work, I’ll be more effective. And it will give me a place to comment on what’s breaking on the blogs and in my life, beyond my twitter stream and facebook account.

But, I have also been hesitate to dive in. Why? Primarily because I question my ability to commit, to make the time in my already busy schedule to regularly write something thoughtful and interesting (and witty). For those of you (ok, for SEB) who followed my ill-fated attempts at blogging last summer know that I can get distracted and/or waylaid rather quickly.

However, I am going all in this time. What do I mean by “All In?” I mean, first of all, that I really do what to commit to this endeavor. No more being wishy washy about it, I’m going to play this hand out. I also mean, taking some advice from Aaron, that while much of this blog will relate to Ashley’s adventures in nonprofit land as a burgeoning web2.0 practitioner, communicator, emerging leader, and occasional agitator, I may also comment on things beyond my world at work. For example, theatre and book reviews, cute shoes, and cupcakes are likely to appear. I will endeavor to keep my commentary about the clothing choices of certain football coaches to a minimum. And, as deeply interested in politics as I am, I am going to keep my c3 hat firmly in place.

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